• Students must provide weekly Covid-19 testing results within 72 hours of the first day of the week for the duration of the Nurse Aide Training Program.
  • Students will be screened for Covid-19 signs and symptoms daily upon entry to Essential Healthcare Training Institute regardless of vaccination status.
  • Students MUST notify the school if they test positive, have symptoms or are exposes to anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19.
  • Students who fail to report exposure or symptoms, you will be immediately suspended from the program without refund.
  • All students and staff will follow the guidelines of the Centrum Building in regards to Covid-19.
  • All students and staff are required to use hand sanitizer upon entry to Essential Healthcare Training Institute.
  • All students and staff are required to wear a face mask or cloth face covering while inside Essential Healthcare Training Institute.
  • If someone test positive the following rules apply:

1. In-person classes will immediately be suspended and we will switch to online learning for lecture via the Zoom format for the duration of the program.

2. If an exposure is reported we will remain in class and continue to screen for symptoms. Daily temperature checks will be added to the daily screenings.

3. All students and staff will be required to take a PCR covid test 5-7 days after exposure.

4. No visitors are allowed in the building.

We're Here Whenever You Need Us


(248) 303-5543

Lecture days


9:00 a.m. - 9:30p.m.

Clinical Hours

Thursday – Friday

7 a.m. - 4:30p.m.